Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne offers a natural bushland experience alongside the Australian Garden, an award-winning, contemporary botanic garden celebrating the beauty and diversity of Australian landscapes and flora and featuring over 100,000 plants from 1,900 plant varieties.
The bushland has over 450 indigenous plant species and includes over 10km of walking tracks, six kilometres of cycling tracks, a lookout tower, picturesque shelters, barbecues and playgrounds. It is a precious remnant of the vegetation that once covered the broader region and is actively managed to control the number of non-indigenous plants and exotic weeds.
The road between Cranbourne Gardens and South Gippsland Highway, Ballarto Road east, is currently under roadworks. Detours are in place to the Gardens entrance. Entry through Ballarto Road west is from Frankston-Cranbourne Road at the intersection including Pearcedale Road.