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WORKSHOP: Ninja - Fire, LED and Flow Arts Performer and Instructor

  • Lilydale Lake Australia (map)

This is a practical workshop top be held at Lilydale Lake. Our fire dancer will use various lighting mediums to provide a spectacular opportunity to practise your night and long exposure photography skills.

Ninja Niaz is a Melbourne based fire, LED and martial arts performer. He has been flowing with martial arts weapons since he was 6, and trained in several martial arts in his lifetime, from Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Boxing, Kung Fu, Karate and Jiu Jitsu. The love for martial arts and weaponry evolved over many years to distill into performing arts. He transitioned into performing his martial arts weaponry with fire props, to creating full choreographed shows with fire breathing, acrobatics and a large array of props through his professional performing career since 2018. Ninja Niaz also has a prolonged experience as an instructor in martial arts disciplines.

Earlier Event: 26 March