Playing in the Mud - Rod Bateman
YRPS is again participating in the 2021 Eastern Interclub competition, hosted by the Maroondah Photographic Society. Around ten clubs are represented each year. This event is not only a great chance to see how some of our images fare in the competition, but also a wonderful opportunity to see the very high standard of images being submitted by other clubs around Melbourne. It is always an enjoyable evening.
There will be no print competition again this year, so each club has submitted up to six open-subject EDIs and up to six B&W open-subject EDIs. Note that the B&W competition is black and white, not monochrome. Our six images in each category have been chosen by our sub-committee, submitted to the organising committee and passed onto the judge for evaluation.
COVID restrictions allowing, we will meet at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 15 September
North Ringwood Community House
35-39 Tortice Drive, North Ringwood
But, regardless of COVID restrictions, the event will also be streamed via Zoom. You will receive notification of the link and password several days before the event.
The Sentinel Hargeisa - Mike Randall